250A Power terminal
Increases distribution possibilities

Figure n°1

Figure n°2

Required length of the rigid copper bar to position the 250A terminal above the Iconec: 50mm

The terminal must be positioned as close as possible to the Iconec to keep the IP2x
In addition to and in association with Iconec, the 250A power supply terminal increases the possibilities of distribution in our tables. The connection capacity of the power cages facilitates the power interconnections of Iconec up to 250A.
- These terminals allow a flexible wiring cable to be interconnected with a rigid copper bar. (figure 1)
- The through link is exclusively reserved for the passage of a rigid copper bar, either :
- 160A at 40 ° C with 12×5 rigid copper bar,
- 250A at 40 ° C with 12×10 rigid copper bar, (figure 2)
- Possible withdrawal of two 63A Maxi secondary power supplies with flexible cables fitted with bare ends from these through terminals
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